Reploid Aliases: Spike Rosered (スパイク・ローズレッド)/Axle
the Red
Character Name: Shadow of the Awesome
Sex: Male
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Straighter than a ruler.
Hair Color: Blue with red streaks.
Eye Color: Red.
Height: Tall. So around 6'.
Age: Reploids have ages? No way. So then about 17.
Likes: Anime, Manga, Video games, Computer, Crescent Grizzly, MP3 Players, and many more.
Dislikes: X, Zero, Fire, A pissed-off Mattrex, Having my things stolen, Know-it-alls, Probably a lot more things too.
Worst Fear: Mattrex trapping me into an room, and then using Ground Fire at me continuously until I get burned into a
crisp. Then I fall down again and I see Satan and more fire!
Favorite Mega Man Games
Original: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7
X: X, X2, X3, X4 and X5
All four
Battle Network: 2, 3, 5 and 6
Boss Name Preference: Axle the Red
Backstory: Shadow was originally a scientist Reploid who was working in the same field as Axle the Red before he was
infected. Both were infected on the same day and mutated with the plants surrounding them. Shadow, knowing that
he had become a freak, decided that hiding was the best option. Once Axle the Red was defeated by the Maverick Hunters,
Shadow came out of hiding to see his former colleague defeated. Unbeknownst to Shadow, however, Axle actually still
had a bit of strength remaining, and was planning to use Spike Rope so that he could take some energy and cause more havoc.
Instead, Axle inadvertently merged with Shadow; from there on, Shadow's AI was in control of the body of Axle the Red.
Personality: Let's just say he's random. He can be serious at one point and insane the next. The only scientific
theory is that, because Shadow and Axle were merged, both personalities are shown. However, he is more commonly presented
as an insane Reploid.
-Under paradox rules and whatnot, his altered past is somehow ThunderMan.EXE from Aftermath. Yeah!
-Shadow was made in Canada.
-He is the self-proclaimed "King of the Awesome." Which indeed makes no sense.
-He will make movie quotes whenever possible, most likely Back to the Future ones.
-He LOVES to draw. He does admit that he isn't that great, but that's not holding him back.
-He is a fan of Sega and blames the demise of the Dreamcast on Halo.
-He is a fan of Phoenix Wright.
So be warned: "Ergo" and "OBJECTION!" will commonly be used throughout the tenure of this time.
-CAUTION. Side effects include: Headaches, nausea, and pain around the entire body. Do not take over two
dosages a day.
Quotes: "Are you my bait?"
"I'm Good People!"