Reploid Aliases: Dark Necrobat (ダーク・ネクロバット)/Dark
Character Name: Elvont Lecarde, who also goes by the epithets "The Wingéd Fiend" and "The Romantic Phantom."
Sex: Male
Race/Ethnicity: He's not human, but technically he'd appear Romanian.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Red
Height: 6'4"
Age: 20
Likes: Women, Fine wine, Nighttime, Blood
Dislikes: Bright lights, Daytime
Worst Fear: Having a lovely evening with a beautiful woman being interrupted by some nutjob with a whip breaking down his
Boss Name Preference: Dark Necrobat. ("Dizzy"…? WTF?)
Backstory: A few years ago, a young aspiring robotics engineer was sifting through a local dump, looking for spare parts,
when she found a complete set of armor that appeared as though it had been shot to pieces in a fight. Excited about finding
such a complete set of robotic scrap, she took it home and began working on it. In time, she managed to bring the deceased
Reploid's body back online, but she was so tired that she fell asleep while writing the program. While she slept, a dark energy
source corrupted the armor's CPU and possessed the Maverick Reploid once known as Dark Necrobat. The young robotics engineer
awoke to find that it was late, and that her latest work was suddenly up, moving on his own and even offering her some wine.
After seducing his creator, Elvont Lecarde crept out of the house during the night, directed to an old abandoned space station
by old memories from his host's shattered mind. The satellite seemed familiar, and so Elvont made his home among the stars.
Personality: Elvont is surprisingly popular with the ladies, and he knows it. He's a gentleman by nature but has no sense
of restricting himself to one partner in a relationship. He's had multiple lovers over the years, both human and Reploid.
He has a fetish for feeding on some of his more involved partners, most of which are humans.
Elvont's longest-standing lover is actually much older than he is. Shelly, the name taken on by Armored Assassins' first
Centaurgal, has been with Elvont for just over three years. She's very loyal to Elvont, and doesn't mind that
he has other partners because he always comes home to her in the morning— it may be later some mornings, but he always
comes home to Shelly. Elvont is quite infatuated with Shelly and gives her the most attention, and she's the only woman who
actually lives with Elvont. They're a rather cute couple.
-Elvont keeps a vial of Shelly's blood around his neck as a sign of his affection towards her. (Yes, Shelly occasionally
allows Elvont to feed on her.) Shelly's blood is not red, but dark violet.
-Elvont's breath condenses if he takes a deep breath, making it appear as though the room is cold when he exhales.
-Elvont currently lives in the space station he hijacked and has decked it out to look like Dracula's castle from the Castlevania
series. It is now Critical Mass's homebase and has been dubbed "Lavender Castle."
Quotes: "I fail to see where being faithful to your love requires that you sleep with them exclusively."
"I don't bite... well, not hard, anyway..."