Aliases: Burn Dinorex (バーン・ディノレックス)/Mattrex
Name: Remington Everard Xerxes “REX” Barron
White non-Hispanic
Orientation: Heterosexual
Color: Crimson
Color: Green
5’ 8” in human form; 13' or thereabouts as Mattrex
Writing, Drawing, Swimming, Rowing, Martial arts, Foreign foods, Ginger ale, Astrology, Money
More than 75% of the people still on Earth, Shoveling snow, Idiots, Racism, Sexism, Ageism, Homophobia, Being called an elitist,
Fear: That he will someday lose his intelligence and individuality, becoming another “common worm within the human race.”
Mega Man Games: Mega Man 5, Mega Man 4, Mega Man X5, Mega Man X4, Mega Man X6, Mega Man X
Name Preference: The English names. "Mattrex" sounds much more like an outlaw than does "Burn Dinorex," and for
the other Reploid bosses, the English names are easier to pronounce.
REX is among the approximately 480 million human survivors of the Eurasia Crisis, who, for the most part, had hidden
underground and had been about halfway around the world from where the space colony crashed five years ago. He was born to a fairly average family, but his sophisticated-sounding name was his parents’ prayer
for him to someday become far more successful than they. In the months following
the Eurasia Crisis, the remaining humans tried to return to their regular lives and/or help the Reploids reconstruct
the rest of the Earth. In the five years following the Crisis,
REX returned to school as though nothing had happened. He kept his place among
the top five percent in junior high school and then in high school, and did not abandon his plans
for college and the future.
when REX was trying to help clean up a nearby area that was ruined by the Eurasia crash, he found the remains of the Reploid
Mattrex among the wreckage. Thinking that the Reploid could be rebuilt, reprogrammed
and sent to help with restoring the earth, he tried to take the enormous armor to someone that could help. However, he fused with the armor pieces on contact. He later realized that he could willfully
change back and forth between Mattrex and REX Barron; this was fortunate for him, since he would still be able to blend in
with other humans and keep working towards a normal future. Later on, he met
the other Reploids that were linked to the Eurasia Crisis; thus Critical Mass was born.
REX decided that he was most qualified to lead the newly formed team. However, thinking that earning some
money on the side would help him to pay tuition for six years in college, he accepted the other members’ suggestion
that they should become mercenaries.
REX can best be described by three A-adjectives: aloof, arrogant and aggressive. He
may come across as an elitist, but he knows his place— he’s not better than EVERYONE, just a VAST MAJORITY
of them. He hates to be around people that he considers to be much too immature,
irresponsible, insensitive or idiotic. However, under the surface lurks a much
more violent persona. He would kill all of the most worthless and despicable
people of the world were there not dire legal consequences. He took martial arts
for a short while, but when he sparred, it seemed as though he believed he were fighting for real; he was only acting overzealous
as a way to vent his anger at those whom he feels deserve to die.
REX’s wardrobe consists mainly of slightly dressy casual outfits.
Ironically, his favorite sports involve the water.
REX has an immense vocabulary, but he limits use of the more complex words to writing.
He uses very proper grammar when he speaks, but is NOT what you’d call a “grammar Nazi.”
REX has the appearance of a calm person… and maintains that appearance when he beats someone up, shouting a number of
- His attendance record for school would be spotless if it weren't
for a few sick days and three suspensions due to fighting.
- All right, I believe that's
enough in-character writing for this profile. I am also Saturn on the Cosmic Gladiators, the current Mega Man V
Team; Infinity Mijinion on the Reploid Rebellion, the Mega Man X6 Team; and Ride Boarski on Red Alert,
the Mega Man X7 Team.
this: I don’t think I’m better than EVERYONE, but just about everyone is better than YOU.”