Reploid Name: Tracii
Apparent Sex: Female
Apparent Race/Ethnicity:
White non-Hispanic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Hair Color: Dark blue
Eye Color: Amber
5’ 6”
Apparent Age: 19
Likes: The colors blue and gold, Music (especially techno or classical),
Cute animals, CHOCOLATE!!!!1!one
Dislikes: Machines malfunctioning, Drunkards, People who ask questions before seeing/reading
what's in front of them, Being forced to repeat herself, Poisondwarves
Worst Fear: Letting her employers down;
being of no importance whatsoever.
Backstory: Tracii was once a female Reploid navigator working for the Maverick Hunters.
However, she felt unimportant to them, and overshadowed by other navigators such as Alia. She hoped that the Maverick Hunters
would respect her decision to leave and work independently… Actually, although they did respect her decision, Tracii
did not end up working on her own in the end. After working independently didn't really pan out, she tracked down Critical
Mass and was taken in by them. She became Critical Mass’s personal navigator and worked in Lavender Castle from then
Personality: Tracii is usually quite hard-working, dedicated and serious. When she is given a command, she executes
it immediately unless she considers the command highly questionable or objectionable. She is also somewhat of a strategist
at times, but tends to leave the job of planning to Mattrex or one of the other Critical Masters.
Underneath the surface,
however, is the personality of a bubbly, fun-loving older teen. She is simultaneously quite feminine and masculine; she is
somehow adept at sewing, but also at video games; she is also skilled at cooking and cleaning, but is known to destroy malfunctioning
machinery with physical force out of frustration. When she isn't given orders she likes to just lay back or have fun (though
not always with the Critical Masters). It appears that Mattrex has a soft spot for her and vice versa.
Notes: -
Tracii gets her name from former Guns N' Roses member Tracii Guns.
- One of Tracii's more commonly recurring tasks
is to locate missing members or elusive wanted Reploids using her light-screen, universal-keyboard computer which can link
to any global positioning satellite.
- Her goggles enable her to see energy of different frequencies which human eyes
cannot see. Her visor, on the other hand, accelerates her ability to visually interpret and process data.
- In spite
of being a Reploid, Tracii LOVES chocolate. She has also been known to occasionally dabble in Nine's stash of hot wings.
Tracii has been known to chase some of the more annoying members out of her room or lab wielding a frying pan, a sledgehammer
or a similar bludgeoning device.
Quotes: "Found him! He's located in…"
"*Whacks him with a frying pan*
"Mmm… Chocolate "
First Appearance: Act Three ("Base Case")